[^ "Arf, if I say maiden, that's what I mean! Gender is all a social construct anyways!" - Pierre Yamamoto, Based Dog]
I love this silly genderfluid dooooooog, she is gay good for her. I try every year to do something for Pierre's birthday and each year it kind of creeps up on me, but hey I have this blog now so why not write about her instead? Happy birthday most based dog in video games, I wish Sony would acknowledge Doko Demo Issyo anytime soon.

Happy birthday silly gay dog, and all other silly gay or otherwise queer animals on the internet reading this (if it is ur birthday ONLY /j).
(post continues after the break)
Learning that such a cute character from a franchise I adore the art from a lot (I'm a sucker for CG composite promo images from that era, and 'Toro to Kyuujitsu' is literally that but as an entire game) was also a kind of genderqueer just as I was starting to figure that stuff out for myself made me feel real happy. Also Pierre is just based for being allowed to say truths like she does in an official capacity in an official entry in the series, amazing, love that. My own relationship to gender and stuffs is still not over I bet, but I've felt super happy with where I'm at currently. Big big big thank you to everyone along the way that's helped support me.
(Also as a fellow animate inanimate Suzuki the robot also speaks me to quite a lot on that identity level)
Oh also I learned just today that there's actually a fan translation project going on for the PSP game! I'm going to be following this so maybe I'll actually be able to play one of the 'Doko Demo Issyo' games one day and meet Pierre for real! In real life! I hope she likes plushies lol
https://github.com/pumpkinhasapatch/dokodemo-psp-english <-- Here's the linnnk