So I guess I've mostly just been making blog posts about Nintendo news lately lmao. (don't worry I'm still thinking about Seam lots) It hasn't been intentional but I guess that's just what I've had things to say about recently (pretty much all my other news has been that I've been busy with college midterms woohoo).
Anyways yeahhhh, real bizarre that Nintendo has been doing these no explanation dine and dash type announcements and I feel like every announcement that's happened between Alarmo and now would have been plenty for a direct. I don't really believe in SWITCH 2 IS HAPPENING NEXT THURSDAY FOR REAL AT 10AM ⭐️⭐️⭐️REAL⭐️⭐️⭐️ rumors since there's not realllllly a point to guessing, *but* these pretty high-profile announcements of new Nintendo hardware and a new NSO service as well as Xenoblade X finally getting a port (which I'm super happy about I really hope they fix the stupid font choices in that game, Cemu can't fix that lol).
Oh yeah the music app thing, it's aright, this would be a cuter thing to do if this app wasn't the likely reason Giivasunner was DMCA'd to hell and back a while ago and every track on this app is already widely available on youtube. I do like the idea of having a spoiler toggle for tracks and the extension feature is nice. I do specifically like how tracks are organized and unlike youtube you can actually read the track names. I hate youtube OST playlists that are all individually labelled like Excite Bots Trick Racing - Fiji because in a playlist you'll never actually see the track's name, the unique cover art for each track also helps with this issue I feel.

[^ I was especially interested in seeing all the images chosen to represent the Wii Photo Channel music]
Also as far as I can tell downloaded music doesn't show up as individual tracks in the downloaded section either. It will only show in "downloaded" if its part of a playlist it seems, also the app doesn't credit composers which is already something Giivasunner did better than this app and that irks me.

[^ screenshot of what I'm talking about here, I have 3 songs downloaded but only two will show up since they're already in my favorites playlist]
Only way I can see this really becoming its own thing and less of "weird way to justify taking down OST uploads" is if it adds some kind of NSO social type feature between friends and gets more tracks, and like *alllllll* the tracks. I'm honestly surprised this app didn't launch with a single Xenoblade OST, that's the first game my cotton-filled mind jumped to when I heard of the spoiler feature. Also seems like Nintendo's given a list on game OSTs to be added in the future, all of them being incredibly obvious picks that should already be there like Mario 64 and Wii Sports.
I at least hope they don't do the dumb NSO drip feed thing again with a bunch of MP3s they already own.